About Effie Graa

Who we are

At Effie Graa we’re all about Mid Century Modern Jewelry & Design! We don’t really have opening hours, we just happen to love Scandinavian and Nordic Mid Century Modern Jewelry and Design. Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark are our main focus regions. Our very particular love is for the jewelry of Grete Prytz Kittelsen, and we have a few of her pieces for sale from our collection.

What we are

At Effie Graa we’re collectors, we’re private individuals. Our passion is for the period and style of the jewelry we handle, for MCM and Modernist Jewelry, and we’ve been around longer than most. Already in 1999 we started up, long before the multitude of websites dealing in MCM jewelry.

We like to communicate with other collectors, and we welcome your comments and questions. What we sell comes from our own collection, aquired over many years. Therefore we hope you’ll take pleasure in looking around, and if you find something you like well enough to buy – then do so! We treasure litterature that can inform us about jewelry history, and we also sell books that are of particular use and pleasure to us – books that we have more than our own copy of.

Our focus

Our main focus is on the great creators of Scandinavian Mid Century Modern jewelry and design. You will find works from the larger manufactors like David-Andersen, Tostrup, Plus, and Thune, as well as smaller studio productions, like that of Tone Vigeland, Grete Prytz Kittelsen, Nora Gulbrandsen, and Kaj Faale.

Our connections in knowledge and collecting

We’re very happy to have contributed to Marbeth Schon’s “Modern Silver Magazine” (MSM), and Ginger Moro’s “Warman’s Jewelry” (WJ) with information about Scandinavian Mid Century Modern Jewelry. You’ll find some of the material from MSM in our Library section, and you’ll find the WJ as well as other interesting books for sale in the Books section. Look around and see if you find something that interests you.


To some destinations we ship from Norway,  to others from Sweden, in an effort to keep the shipping costs low. You can also opt for cost free local pick-up in Oslo.

For us; it’s all about

collecting and connecting.

Come; collect with us!