Björn Weckström


Title: Björn Weckström (Bjorn Weckstrom)
Year of publicaton: 1980
Language(s): English/German/Swedish/Finnish

Artist info – Björn Weckström (BWE)

Condition book: Excellent, no damage
Condition dust jacket: Some wear and tear with a small piece of the paper torn off (hence the lowered price), of no significance to the book itself.

For further information: See Description

Archive: BWE_b1980-2 Categories: , ,


Björn Weckström (book)

Packed with info/documentation about his works for Lapponia. The book also shows many of his pre Lapponia works, both jewelry and sculpture. All text in English/German/Swedish/Finnish.
A Collector’s must-have!

About the book:
Hard bound with extra cover sheet/dust jacket
143 pages
10 by 9 1/4 inches
141 illustrationes in both black/white and color
all text in English/German/Swedish/Finnish
all comments to the illustrationes are in English/German/Swedish/Finnish
Biographic entries about Björn Weckström

ISBN: 951-1-05688-3
Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otavan
Painolaitokset, Keuruu
Printed in Finland

Artist info – Björn Weckström (BWE)

Björn Weckström’s website (leaving Effie Graa)