Scandinavian Mid Century Modern Jewelry

MCM Jewelry of the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies

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Scandinavian Mid Century Modern Jewelry

Welcome to Effie Graa

Scandinavian Mid century Modern Jewelry. Twirling silver and crystal bracelet from Ge-Kå Smycken. The bracelet twists and twirls around the arm of the bearer in a leap from tradition towards a new expression.You’ve arrived at the Effie Graa Collection of the Modern Era of Scandinavian Jewelry.

  • Jewelry for sale: Clicking Jewelry in main menu (above) you will find our large selection of all kinds of jewelry, with probably something for everyone, and in a wide price range.
  • Books for sale: You’ll find a selecton of books about important designers, silversmiths, jewelry makers and companies in the book section, all for sale.
  • Library: We offer Artist Information about a number of designers and artists who are behind the selection we sell, and short articles on artists and trends. You will find this in our Library section in the main menu.

Since 1999

Mid Century Modern JewelryEffie Graa started up in 1999, as one of the first websites dedicated to Scandinavian Mid Century Modern Jewelry.

At that time little or no information about the jewelry artists from Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark had been gathered. We have spent, and still do, countless hours and days in libraries going through out of print books, scanning through newspapers, and reading the trade publications from the jewelry industry from the relevant era.

European Designer Jewelry by Ginger Moro offers an extensive view on what's what and who's who on jewelry making in Europe.Early on we were contacted by Marbeth Schon of the Modern Silver Magazine, who wanted us to contribute. We did so with great pleasure, and we were, along with Mod Jewelry lovers everywhere devastated by Marbeth’s untimely death. Further on we shared with Ginger Moro for her book European Designer Jewelry, whilst building up a collection of the jewelry we were acquiring knowledge about. You can read a bit more about us here.

It is with great joy and also some pride that we present a selection of this for sale on our site.
Have fun exploring!

Practical – payment and shipping

  • Payment: Payments for purchases can easily be made by credit card (handeled by WooCommerce/Stripe), by bank transfer, paying by installments through Klarna, or you can transfer payment using WISE. We also accept mobile payments from Sweden (SWISH) and Norway (VIPPS).
  • Register with us (or not): Through the Top Menu you can easily create a User Login, but you are of course also welcome to browsing and making purchases as an unregistered guest.
  • Shipment: Finally; we ship from Sweden (within the EU) or Norway, whichever makes most sense in each case.